Preamble: The members of the Mapleview Community Seniors Centre of Stockdale, Ontario, do hereby establish this constitution for the Government and Guidance of the Centre.

ARTICLE I – The Name

The name of the centre shall be MAPLEVIEW COMMUNITY SENIORS CENTRE.

ARTICLE II – The Objectives

To have available a centre for social events and gatherings.

ARTICLE III – The Membership

  1. Any persons shall be eligible for membership, following the payment of the prescribed fee and the acceptance of their application by the executive.
  2. Any member, whose actions prove objectionable or contrary to the interests of the club, shall be called upon by the Executive to account for such actions and if such actions cannot be justified, the Executive shall have the power to expel such member without appeal and without refund of the dues paid.

ARTICLE IV – Club Dues

  1. The dues payable by each member shall be set by the Executive each year subject to ratification by the membership. The year commences on January 1st and dues are to be paid by the end of January.
  2. Members six(6) months in arrears shall have their names removed from the membership list but can be reinstated after payment of dues and justification to the Executive.

ARTICLE V – Meetings

  1. The regular meetings of the club shall be held once every three months.
  2. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive and members shall be notified.
  3. Meetings shall be held at a time and place as decided by the Executive.
  4. The annual meeting of the club shall be the first Thursday in October, at which time the election of officers shall take place and all reports of the officers and committees shall be presented.
  5. Executive meetings shall be called as the business of the club requires.
  6. The quorum for the transaction of business at the Executive meetings shall be three(3) elected officers.
  7. The quorum for transaction of business at regular meetings shall be seven(7) members.

ARTICLE VI – Officers

  1. The administration of the club shall be vested in an executive consisting of:
    • (a) President
    • (b) Vice President
    • (c) Secretary
    • (d) Treasurer
    • (e) Directors – Membership, Publicity, Maintenance, Social
  2. No member shall be permitted to hold more than one office as a, b, c, or d.
  3. If, following election of the officers listed as a, b, c, d, and e, the Executive should consist of only four(4) or five(5) individual members, the membership shall elect one(1) or two(2) additional members to the Executive as required to provide an Executive consisting of six(6) individual members.
  4. When required and as soon as practical following the annual election of officers, the new Executive shall appoint members to the positions of directors, or any other position which the Executive may deem necessary for the efficient administration of the club. Such appointments shall be for a maximum term of two(2) years. Any member in good standing shall be eligible to hold any office listed as a, b, c, d, or e.

ARTICLE VII – Duties of Officers

  1. Elected Officers
    1. President
      1. Shall preside at all meetings of the club
      2. Shall preside at all meetings of the Executive which pertain to the general business of the club
      3. Shall have complete supervision over all the affairs of the club in general.
    2. Vice President
      1. Shall preside at all meetings of the club in absence of the President.
      2. Shall assume all duties of the President in the absence of the President.
    3. Secretary
      1. Shall keep minutes of all meetings, regular and Executive.
      2. Shall handle all correspondence of the club.
      3. Shall keep a record of attendance of all meetings
    4. Treasurer
      1. Shall be custodian of all fees and monies received, all such monies to be deposited in the bank account of the club at any chartered bank of Canada or Trust Company and cheques issued shall be signed by any two(2) of President, Vice President and Treasurer.
      2. Petty cash fund may be kept, the amount being left to the discretion of the Treasurer.
      3. Shall submit annually, the account books, bank books, receipts, etc. to the auditor appointed by the Executive.
      4. Shall submit a financial statement at the annual meeting.
  2. Appointed Officers
    1. Membership Director
      1. Shall receive all applications for membership and convey them to the Executive for approval.
      2. Shall accept membership fees and issue membership cards.
      3. Shall notify members when dues are payable.
    2. Publicity Director
      1. Shall aid in plublicity as mush as apossible.
    3. Maintenance Director
      1. Shall look after all general maintenance of the club building.
      2. Shall request and receive help from other members when required.
    4. Social Director
      1. Shall be responsible for serving of lunch each meeting.
      2. Shall ensure that all supplies and equipment are provided, using monies from club funds
    5. Auditor
      1. Shall audit account books, bank books, receipts, etc. annually in time for a financial report by the Treasurer at the annual meeting.

ARTICLE VII – Elections

  1. Nominations for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer will be made from the floor, at the annual meeting, after which elections shall be held in a democratic manner.
  2. The Executive shall have the power to fill any vacancies on the Executive which might occur during the year.

ARTICLE IX – Dismissal from Office

An officer of the Mapleview Community Seniors Centre, whether elected or appointed, may be dismissed from office immediately, by a motion made and seconded by any members in good standing at any business meeting, and carried by a two-thirds(2/3) vote by ballot. Such dismissal may be made for any of the following reasons:

(a) Absence from sufficient business meetings as to prove detrimental to the administration of the business of the club.

(b) Actions objectionable to or contrary to the best interests of the club.

(c) Dishonesty with regard to the club funds or property.

ARTICLE X – General Items

  1. Committees – Special committees may be formed or appointed at any regular meeting.
  2. Visitors – Visitors are always welcome to club meetings. They will be asked to sign the attendance registry.
  3. Changes to the Constitution – Any part or parts of this Constitution may be amended at any meeting provided a written notice of amendment be submitted at a previous meeting and signed by two (2) club members in good standing. A majority vote of the members shall carry or defeat the amendment.
  4. Appointment of Trustees – Trustees will be appointed at the annual meeting. Trustees listed on the property deed will be reviewed at the annual meeting or at the time of a Trustee being unable to perform his/her duties.

ARTICLE XI – Dissolution

IN the event of dissolution of the club, two-thirds (2/3) of the members in good standing at the time of the dissolution shall have the power to dispose of any and all of the property and assets of the club.